- Security Focus
Computer security information clearinghouse. Includes a calendar, free tools, forums, industry news, and a library.
www.securityfocus.com - Microsoft Security Advisor
Offers tools, documentation, tips, and other information regarding personal privacy and security for home users, developers, and businesses.
www.microsoft.com/security - Stay Safe Online
Tips on how to safeguard your system, a self-guided cyber security test, educational materials, and other resources from the National Cyber Security Alliance.
www.staysafeonline.info - Secunia, Ltd.
Provides Internet security services. Specializing in alerts and advisories against vulnerabilities to companies worldwide.
www.secunia.com - Attrition
Computer security site dedicated to the collection, disemination, and distribution of information about the industry for anyone interested in the subject.
www.attrition.org - Home Network Security
Overview of the security risks and countermeasures associated with Internet connectivity, especially in the context of "always-on" or broadband access services, such as cable modems and DSL. From the CERT Coordination Center.
www.cert.org/tech_tips/home_networks.html - Risks Digest
Forum on risks to the public in computers and related systems.
catless.ncl.ac.uk/Risks - Internet Storm Center
Features a system that automatically gathers millions of intrusion detection log entries every day from around the world to find new virus and worm attacks, isolate the sites that are used for attacks, and provide authoritative data about them.
isc.incidents.org - Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE)
Aims to standardize the names for all publicly known vulnerabilities and security exposures.
www.cve.mitre.org - NIST Computer Security Resource Clearinghouse
csrc.ncsl.nist.gov - Yahoo! Security Center
Guide to computer and online security, covering privacy issues, passwords, viruses, and spyware.
security.yahoo.com - CISSP and SSCP Open Study Guide
Includes study guides, tips, links, and more.
www.cccure.org - Whitehats
Network security resource.
www.whitehats.com - FTC: Consumer Information Security
Source for consumers and businesses for tips on computer security and safeguarding personal information.
www.ftc.gov/infosecurity - ISO 27001 and ISO 27002 Community Forum, The
Offers an interactive user community portal dedicated to the ISO 27000 computer security standard.
www.17799.com - McAfee Avert Labs Blog
Computer security research, news, and analysis.
www.avertlabs.com/research/blog - Smurfing
A recent DoS attack, which relies on spoofing source address and sending to directed broadcast address.
www.pentics.net/denial-of-service/white-papers/smurf.cgi - SecurityGeeks
Security, cryptography, and privacy news.
securitygeeks.shmoo.com - International Symposium on Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection
Conference series is intended to advance the field of intrusion detection by promoting the exchange of ideas, bring together leading experts, and discuss state-of-the-art intrusion detection technologies and issues from research and commercial perspectives.
www.raid-symposium.org - COAST Project (3)
- CERT Coordination Center: Home Computer Security
Guide to securing home computers from intruders looking for credit card numbers, bank account information, and other personal data.
www.cert.org/homeusers/HomeComputerSecurity - Computer and Internet Security
Addresses computer security topics for the beginning to intermediate computer user, such as spam, computer viruses, spyware, and firewalls.
www.cpusecurity.com - How Electronic Encryption Works & How It Will Change Your Business
Discusses the business use of encryption, with the possible failure modes highlighted.
www.viacorp.com/crypto.html - Safeguarding Your Technology
Better understand why and how to effectively secure your organization's sensitive information, critical systems, computer equipment, and network access.
nces.ed.gov/pubsearch/pubsinfo.asp?pubid=98297 - Ruskwig
Offers free random byte encryption software as well as Internet and email security policies for download.
www.ruskwig.com - Guard Privacy & Online Security
Explains the online risks and how to assess which threats to protect against. Advice and solutions for securing computers against each threat.
www.guard-privacy-and-online-security.com - OPTIMAbit
Offers penetration tests, code reviews, app sec policies, and additional application security services.
www.optimabit.com - Commodon Communications: Threats to your Security on the Internet
Contains articles discussing various Remote Control Trojans (RCTs) or Remote Access Trojans (RATs), and how to remove them.
www.commodon.com - Encryptoo
Offers tutorials and articles on computer securities, gateways, and encryption standards.
www.encryptoo.com - Data Security
Offers products to encrypt and decrypt data on the fly between a host system and tape drive.
www.dataencryption.ca - Clean Embassy AB
Offers information and services to deal with spammers, pop-ups, spyware, pornography, and viruses.
www.clean-info.info - CNET Security Watch
Articles and tips about how not to get burned by viruses and hackers.
reviews.cnet.com/4520-3513_7-5020904.html - Emailman: Security
Addresses encryption and digital signing of e-mail messages and attachments to be sent to others.
www.emailman.com/security - Secure FileSystem (SFS)
A set of programs which create and manage a number of encrypted disk volumes, and runs under both DOS and Windows
www.cs.auckland.ac.nz/~pgut001/sfs/index.html - HP Personal Computing Security Center
Offers steps for stopping spam, spyware, adware, and virus invasions to PCs.
h20239.www2.hp.com/techcenter/security - ZDNet Tech Update: Security
Features toolkits, white papers, webcasts, case studies, and directories.
techupdate.cnet.com/enterprise/0-7481-724-20707172.html - SESAME project
(Secure European System for Applications in a Multi-vendor Environment.) Advanced distributed access control for the age of the open system.
/www.cosic.esat.kuleuven.ac.be/sesame - Online Security: Consumer Reports
Read about online security and what you need to do online to protect yourself. From Consumer Reports.
www.consumerreports.org/cro/magazine-archive/2010/june/electronics-computer... - le bulletin lambda
Bilingual articles, primarily about encryption issues.
- CERT Coordination Center: Home Computer Security
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